
May 10, 2014


Grâce à la technologie, les couples qui doivent vivre à distance ont accès à une foule de gadgets qui aide à la survie de leur couple. En voici 8 qui ont attiré mon attention. Gadgets Kissenger C'est un professeur en robotique de Singapour qui...

Mar 10, 2014

All The Tech You Need for a Successful Long-Distance Relationship SWIMMINGLY.COM

Anne Hoffman has been dating her boyfriend Andy long distance for almost two years, and they've got it down to a science. They try to visit each other at least every couple of months, but more importantly, they're pretty much in constant...

Feb 14, 2014

Los gadgets del amor TECNOXPLORA.COM

Si eres de los que llama a su pareja "gordi", "cari" , "cuchi cuchi" y sucedáneos, abandónate a la pasión del día de los enamorados y no dejes de sorprender al ser amado con alguno de estos gadgets que le dejarán con la boca abierta. Pero ten cuid...
Dec 17, 2013

遠くはなれていてもパートナーと振動でつながれる腕輪 ROOMIE.JP

Jabraのjawbone UPより太い感じで、シンプルなバングルみたいなデザインです。 この腕輪に小さい箱型のデバイスを装着します。各種センサーがついていてその小さいデバイスが振動して反応します。 そしてこの腕輪をタップすることでペアの腕輪とコンタクトをとったり、またスマートフォンと連動してさまざまなアクションを行うことができます。 スマートフォンとの連動はともかく、離れているパートナーを肌で感じれるのがこのTapTapのもステキなところ。遠距離恋愛をしていると、ちょっとしたことでもパー...

Nov 27, 2013

Браслет TapTap соединяет влюбленные пары при помощи беспроводных вибраций MEDGADGETS.RU

В настоящее время без проблем можно связаться с кем угодно при помощи различных доступных средств коммуникаций – текстовох сообщений, телефонных звонков, через Facebook, Twitter и т.д. Для всех этих контактов вы должны общаться с ва...
Nov 20, 2013

Tap, Tickle, Flex and Bond -- Startups Want To Grab Your Naked Wrists MASHABLE.COM

While ‘wearable technology’ might not sound like the sexiest of apparel, startups are getting increasingly hot under the collar about the wrist — as a great place to begin the gradual cyborg-ification of mankind...
Nov 19, 2013

Gulp! Vibrating wristband ensures your partner is ALWAYS by your side with a virtual tap on the shoulder

If apps designed especially for couples weren’t bad enough, a New York-based firm has created a way for people in relationships to ‘touch’ their partners even when they’re apart...
Nov 17, 2013

TapTap Wristband Connects Couples With Wireless Vibrations

Nowadays you can reach whomever you want through various modes — a Facebook message, a tweet, a text message and a phone call, just to name a few. These all require you to look at a screen in order to process what another person wants to communicate.

But now Woodenshark is offering a device called TapTap, a wristband meant to help people communicate without the need of a screen. Targeted toward people in a relationship...